Always summer with Hebe Addenda®!

Hebe Addenda available now on the webshop! Hebe is an evergreen plant that will flower beautifully well into autumn. Hebe is also known as the shrubby veronica. Butterflies and bees adore Hebe because of its nectar-rich plumes.

Hebe Addenda

Hebe has a long flowering period, right up until the first frosts. Extend that wonderful summery feel until the last days of sunshine. Add a bright splash of colour to the patio in a beautiful pot or as a shrub gracing one of the borders in your garden. No matter your taste, classic or elegant, romantic or modern: there is always a Hebe for you! The huge diversity of varieties, sizes and colours make Hebe a magnificent addition to jazz up your garden.

Hebe Addenda: the go-to garden pick-me-up:

  • is available in many colours, sizes and styles
  • blooms well into autumn
  • stays green all year round
  • can withstand cold conditions, up to -3 degrees Celsius
  • If you plant Hebe, you can count on attracting plenty of visiting bees and butterflies.

Hebe Addenda comes in many varieties e.g.: Donna, Petita, Vinoa, Mucha, Granda and Classica.

Get involved and create a green garden teeming with bees and butterflies with Hebe!

Save water by planting a Hebe in the open soil. Hebe needs plenty of water because of its many flowers. If you plant it in the open ground it draws some of its water from the soil and you won’t have to water it as often.Hebe will continue to flower well into autumn. Hebe will continue to flower profusely until the first frosts. This allows bees, butterflies and other insects to enjoy extra long periods of food from the nectar-rich flower plumes.