In a world full of unrest, we long for reassurance, familiarity and memories that can comfort us. That is why we also surround ourselves in our gardens with familiar products that reflect gentleness and harmony. The four plants (plant groups) in this Trend Collection make...

This beautiful Hydrangea sounds like music to the ears.Rich flowering, deep colours and a long flowering period. Music Collection® is a special selection of Hydrangeas with a very long flowering period.Seven different flowering types, each with its own deep timbre. Together they form the music piece...

Memories and familiarity. At times, it feels as if the world is bouncing from one crisis to the next. The restlessness this generates increases our need for reassurance and memories to cherish. This is why we often surround ourselves with familiar products that comfort us...

The climbing poles are a replacement for the PVC and coconut variety. These raw materials were replaced by potato peelings and Miscanthus Giganteus (Elephant grass). The rough texture provides extra long moisture as well as a good structure for the plant to grab onto. > made...

Order schedule week 51/52/1 Our last shipment day of 2021 is next week on Wednesday (22-12). Please confirm your order latest Monday evening 19.00 hrs for delivery Thursday (23-12) / Friday (24-12).All orders placed after that will be dispatched on Tuesday January 4th. Growers are closed...

Give your garden, patio or home a color boost with the brand new Ambella® Pink from Addenda®. This intense pink Campanula immediately provides extra warmth and atmosphere, especially if you combine it with the other Ambella colors. And it is an easy plant that flowers...

Asiatic tough guy brings colour to your life Green, yellow, red, orange, brown, purple, black - flamboyant Croton brings autumn’s glow into your home. It’s a very eye-catching plant with thick, shiny leaves that proclaim that Mother Nature had an exceptionally...

The story of Celosia This colourful array of cockscombs occupies a special place in the plant range. With its colours and extravagantly shaped flowers Celosia is an eye-catching character with an almost sensual look. The plant comes in various forms: with flaming...

The story behind the Calla Lily Like the Anthurium and the Spathiphyllum, the Calla Lily - officially called the Zantedeschia - is part of the Araceae family and is characterised by the pitcher-shaped bract (spathe). The actual flowers, on the spike, are tiny and...

Peace Lily The peace lily, also known as Spathiphyllum, will be featured as the Houseplant of the Month in May. Stylish dark green leaves with radiant white banners floating above them, and caring and communicative as well: the Peace lily is bound to...